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Motion Longboards - BigFish - Deck Only £99.95      
Motion Longboards - BigFish

The big catch. Because EZ FLEZ does not mean it was easy to get it in the boat. To place a one piece VLAM wood core on a board so wide with such a great concave was not an easy job at all. Suicide you think? No, Motion of course.

The result: the EZ FLEX line; wood and fibre for a tenacious and lively flex that will let you take a big bite. With it's variable wheelbase and it's silkscreened finish right on top of the fiberglass that will lower both the weight and the price, you have a fishing trophy that will turn heads everywhere around.

Shaper's advice:

great in salty or fresh waters, waves or tsunamis, the BIGFISH is at home on any terrain. You will be able to enjoy the full flavour of it no matter where the slope goes or what you level is.

board separator Motion Longboards - BigFish - Deck Only
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